Full Course List
Demystifying Evil | Ingrid Faro |
Hebrews | Madison N. Pierce |
Introduction to the Minor Prophets | Beth M. Stovell |
Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament | Christopher J. H. Wright |
New Testament Backgrounds | Craig Keener |
New Testament Christology | Michael Bird |
New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates | Nijay Gupta |
Old Testament Backgrounds | John Walton |
Reading While Black | Esau McCaulley |
Reading the Bible around the World | Justin Marc Smith, Alice Yafeh-Deigh, Kirsten Oh, Federico Alfredo Roth, and Kay Higuera Smith |
Treasuring the Psalms | Ian J. Vaillancourt |
Women in the New Testament | Lynn Cohick |
Justice & Reconciliation
Advocating with Survivors of Sexual Violence | Nikole Lim |
Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey | Sarah Shin |
Black Church Studies | Marshall Hatch |
Brown Church | Robert Chao Romero |
Faithful Antiracism | Christina Edmondson and Chad Brennan |
Integral Mission: History, Theology, and Relevance | Ruth Padilla DeBorst |
Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? | Antipas Harris |
Learning from Marginalized Christian Communities | Alexia Salvatierra |
Reading While Black | Esau McCaulley |
Rediscipling the White Church | David Swanson |
Roadmap to Reconciliation | Brenda Salter McNeil |
The Church’s Western Cultural Captivity | Soong-Chan Rah |
A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness | Matthew Stanford |
Connecting with Teenagers | Brad M. Griffin |
Crisis Counseling | Scott Floyd |
Empowering Women in Ministry | Tara Beth Leach |
Evangelism: Sharing the Big Story | James Choung |
Pastoral Ministry: Calling and Resilience | Mark Quanstrom |
Preaching to a Divided Nation | Matthew D. Kim |
Teach Your Children Well | Sarah Cowan Johnson |
Ten Practical Ways to a Better Sermon | Mary Hulst |
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World | Sandra Maria van Opstal |
Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a Time | Greg Ogden |
Worship and the World to Come | Glenn Packiam |
Canoeing the Mountains | Tod Bolsinger |
Empowering Women in Ministry | Tara Beth Leach |
Managing Anxiety: Yours and Theirs | Steve Cuss |
Multiethnic Church Leadership | Derwin Gray |
Pastoral Ministry: Calling and Resilience | Mark Quanstrom |
Preaching to a Divided Nation | Matthew D. Kim |
Servant Leadership | Gene Wilkes |
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership | Ruth Haley Barton |
Tempered Resilience | Tod Bolsinger |
The Scandal of Leadership | JR Woodward |
Together in Ministry | Rob Dixon, Lisa Rodriguez-Watson, & Layla Van Gerpen |
Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a Time | Greg Ogden |
Church and Mission
Analog Church | Jay Kim |
Brown Church | Robert Chao Romero |
Church Forsaken: Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods | Jonathan Brooks |
Church Planting for the Future | Daniel Yang |
Church-Based Community Development | Wayne Gordon |
Evangelism: Sharing the Big Story | James Choung |
Integral Mission: History, Theology, and Relevance | Ruth Padilla DeBorst |
Missiology in the 21st Century | Al Tizon |
Multiethnic Church Leadership | Derwin Gray |
Together in Ministry | Rob Dixon, Lisa Rodriguez-Watson, & Layla Van Gerpen |
Uncommon Church | Alvin Sanders |
What Is the Church: Why It Still Matters | David Fitch |
Being God’s Image: Why Creation Still Matters | Carmen Joy Imes |
Biblical Eschatology: God’s Plan for His Creation | J. Richard Middleton |
Christian Theology of Sex | Beth Felker Jones |
Demystifying Evil | Ingrid Faro |
Ethics in a Consumer Culture | Paul Metzger |
Integral Mission: History, Theology, and Relevance | Ruth Padilla DeBorst |
John Calvin: His Life and Theology | Yudha Thianto |
New Testament Christology | Michael Bird |
The Cruciform Kingdom of God | Greg Boyd |
The Mosaic of Christian Belief | Roger Olson |
Why the Gospel? | Matthew W. Bates |
Worship and the World to Come | Glenn Packiam |
Contemporary Issues
Advocating with Survivors of Sexual Violence | Nikole Lim |
Analog Church | Jay Kim |
Black Church Studies | Marshall Hatch |
Connecting with Teenagers | Brad M. Griffin |
Ethics in a Consumer Culture | Paul Metzger |
Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? | Antipas Harris |
Learning from Marginalized Christian Communities | Alexia Salvatierra |
Politics and Christianity | Michael Bird |
Rediscipling the White Church | David Swanson |
Rethinking Incarceration | Dominique Gilliard |
Stewards of Eden: Scripture and the Environment | Sandra Richter |
Teach Your Children Well | Sarah Cowan Johnson |
New Testament
Basic New Testament Interpretation | Nijay Gupta |
Hebrews | Madison N. Pierce |
Introducing Paul | Michael Bird |
Introduction to the General Epistles | David A. deSilva |
New Testament Backgrounds | Craig Keener |
New Testament Christology | Michael Bird |
New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates | Nijay Gupta |
Paul and Judaism | Scot McKnight |
Reading While Black | Esau McCaulley |
Rediscovering Scripture’s Vision for Women | Lucy Peppiatt |
Why the Gospel? | Matthew W. Bates |
Women in the New Testament | Lynn Cohick |
Old Testament
Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters | Carmen Joy Imes |
Being God’s Image: Why Creation Still Matters | Carmen Joy Imes |
Holy Land I: Jerusalem and the Hill Country | John Beck |
Holy Land II: The Wilderness and Plains | John Beck |
Introduction to the Minor Prophets | Beth M. Stovell |
Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament | Christopher J. H. Wright |
Old Testament Backgrounds | John Walton |
Old Testament Essentials | Tremper Longman |
The Lost World of Genesis One | John Walton |
The Old Testament and Revelation | Tremper Longman |
The Value of Old Testament Theology | Christopher J. H. Wright |
Treasuring the Psalms | Ian J. Vaillancourt |
Women In Ministry
Advocating with Survivors of Sexual Violence | Nikole Lim |
Christian Theology of Sex | Beth Felker Jones |
Empowering Women in Ministry | Tara Beth Leach |
Liturgy of the Ordinary | Tish Harrison Warren |
Rediscovering Scripture’s Vision for Women | Lucy Peppiatt |
Roadmap to Reconciliation | Brenda Salter McNeil |
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership | Ruth Haley Barton |
Ten Practical Ways to a Better Sermon | Mary Hulst |
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World | Sandra Maria van Opstal |
Together in Ministry | Rob Dixon, Lisa Rodriguez-Watson, & Layla Van Gerpen |
Women in the New Testament | Lynn Cohick |
“Saved through Childbearing” in 1 Timothy 2:15 | Sandra L. Glahn |
Black Voices
Black Church Studies | Marshall Hatch |
Church Forsaken: Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods | Jonathan Brooks |
Faithful Antiracism | Christina Edmondson and Chad Brennan |
Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? | Antipas Harris |
Learning from Marginalized Christian Communities | Alexia Salvatierra |
Multiethnic Church Leadership | Derwin Gray |
Reading While Black | Esau McCaulley |
Rethinking Incarceration | Dominique Gilliard |
Roadmap to Reconciliation | Brenda Salter McNeil |
Soul Care in African American Practice | Barbara L. Peacock |
Uncommon Church | Alvin Sanders |
Latino/a Voices
Brown Church | Robert Chao Romero |
Integral Mission: History, Theology, and Relevance | Ruth Padilla DeBorst |
Learning from Marginalized Christian Communities | Alexia Salvatierra |
Ministerio con Adolescentes | Adlín Cotto |
Teología Sistemática I | Jules Martinez |
Teología Sistemática II | Jules Martinez |
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World | Sandra Maria van Opstal |
AAPI/Asian Voices
Advocating with Survivors of Sexual Violence | Nikole Lim |
Analog Church | Jay Kim |
Basic New Testament Interpretation | Nijay Gupta |
Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey | Sarah Shin |
Brown Church | Robert Chao Romero |
Church Planting for the Future | Daniel Yang |
Evangelism: Sharing the Big Story | James Choung |
Introduction to the General Epistles | David A. deSilva |
John Calvin: His Life and Theology | Yudha Thianto |
Missiology in the 21st Century | Al Tizon |
The Church’s Western Cultural Captivity | Soong-Chan Rah |
Worship and the World to Come | Glenn Packiam |
Ministerio con Adolescentes | Adlín Cotto |
Teología Sistemática I | Jules Martinez |
Teología Sistemática II | Jules Martinez |
Why Seminary | Derek Cooper |
Great Expectations: An Advent Series |