Seminary Now


Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters Carmen Joy Imes
Demystifying Evil Ingrid Faro
Hebrews Madison N. Pierce
Introduction to the Minor Prophets Beth M. Stovell
Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament Christopher J. H. Wright
New Testament Backgrounds Craig Keener
New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates Nijay Gupta
Old Testament Backgrounds John Walton
Reading While Black Esau McCaulley
Reading the Bible around the World Justin Marc Smith, Alice Yafeh-Deigh, Kirsten Oh, Federico Alfredo Roth, and Kay Higuera Smith
The Lost World of Genesis One John Walton
Women in the New Testament Lynn Cohick

Justice & Reconciliation

Advocating with Survivors of Sexual Violence Nikole Lim
Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey Sarah Shin
Brown Church Robert Chao Romero
Church Forsaken: Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods Jonathan Brooks
Church-Based Community Development Wayne Gordon
Faithful Antiracism Christina Edmondson and Chad Brennan
Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? Antipas Harris
Rediscipling the White Church David Swanson
Rethinking Incarceration Dominique Gilliard
Roadmap to Reconciliation Brenda Salter McNeil
The Church’s Western Cultural Captivity Soong-Chan Rah
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World Sandra Maria van Opstal


Analog Church Jay Kim
Disability and the Church Benjamin T. Conner
Empowering Women in Ministry Tara Beth Leach
Evangelism: Sharing the Big Story James Choung
Ministerio con Adolescentes Adlín Cotto
Missiology in the 21st Century Al Tizon
Pastoral Ministry: Calling and Resilience Mark Quanstrom
Soul Care in African American Practice Barbara L. Peacock
Teach Your Children Well Sarah Cowan Johnson
The Enneagram Journey Suzanne Stabile
Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a Time Greg Ogden
Worship and the World to Come Glenn Packiam


Canoeing the Mountains Tod Bolsinger
Church Planting for the Future Daniel Yang
Empowering Women in Ministry Tara Beth Leach
Managing Anxiety: Yours and Theirs Steve Cuss
Multiethnic Church Leadership Derwin Gray
Pastoral Ministry: Calling and Resilience Mark Quanstrom
Servant Leadership Gene Wilkes
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership Ruth Haley Barton
Tempered Resilience Tod Bolsinger
Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a Time Greg Ogden

Church and Mission

Black Church Studies Marshall Hatch
Brown Church Robert Chao Romero
Church Forsaken: Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods Jonathan Brooks
Church Planting for the Future Daniel Yang
Church-Based Community Development Wayne Gordon
Integral Mission: History, Theology, and Relevance Ruth Padilla DeBorst
Missiology in the 21st Century Al Tizon
The Church’s Western Cultural Captivity Soong-Chan Rah
The Cruciform Kingdom of God Greg Boyd
Uncommon Church Alvin Sanders
What Is the Church: Why It Still Matters David Fitch


Biblical Eschatology: God’s Plan for His Creation J. Richard Middleton
Christian Theology of Sex Beth Felker Jones
Demystifying Evil Ingrid Faro
Early African and Asian Christianity Vince L. Bantu
John Calvin: His Life and Theology Yudha Thianto
Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament Christopher J. H. Wright
Participation In Christ Michael J. Gorman
The Cruciform Kingdom of God Greg Boyd
The Mosaic of Christian Belief Roger Olson
The Value of Old Testament Theology Christopher J. H. Wright
Understanding Spiritual Gifts Craig Keener
World Christian History Derek Cooper

Contemporary Issues

Advocating with Survivors of Sexual Violence Nikole Lim
Analog Church Jay Kim
Black Church Studies Marshall Hatch
Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? Antipas Harris
Politics and Christianity Michael Bird
Rediscipling the White Church David Swanson
Rethinking Incarceration Dominique Gilliard
Stewards of Eden: Scripture and the Environment Sandra Richter
Teach Your Children Well Sarah Cowan Johnson
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World Sandra Maria van Opstal

New Testament

Basic New Testament Interpretation Nijay Gupta
Hebrews Madison N. Pierce
Introducing Paul Michael Bird
Introduction to the General Epistles David A. deSilva
New Testament Backgrounds Craig Keener
New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates Nijay Gupta
Participation In Christ Michael J. Gorman
Paul and Gender Cynthia Long Westfall
Paul and Judaism Scot McKnight
Rediscovering Scripture’s Vision for Women Lucy Peppiatt
Themes in Luke and Acts Darrell L. Bock
Women in the New Testament Lynn Cohick

Old Testament

Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters Carmen Joy Imes
Being God’s Image: Why Creation Still Matters Carmen Joy Imes
Introduction to the Minor Prophets Beth M. Stovell
Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament Christopher J. H. Wright
Old Testament Backgrounds John Walton
Old Testament Essentials Tremper Longman
Stewards of Eden: Scripture and the Environment Sandra Richter
The Book of Daniel John Walton
The Lost World of Genesis One John Walton
The Value of Old Testament Theology Christopher J. H. Wright
Understanding Old Testament Wisdom Literature Tremper Longman
Understanding the Book of Isaiah Andrew Abernethy

Women In Ministry

Advocating with Survivors of Sexual Violence Nikole Lim
Christian Theology of Sex Beth Felker Jones
Empowering Women in Ministry Tara Beth Leach
Liturgy of the Ordinary Tish Harrison Warren
Rediscovering Scripture’s Vision for Women Lucy Peppiatt
Roadmap to Reconciliation Brenda Salter McNeil
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership Ruth Haley Barton
Ten Practical Ways to a Better Sermon Mary Hulst
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World Sandra Maria van Opstal
Together in Ministry Rob Dixon, Lisa Rodriguez-Watson, & Layla Van Gerpen
Women in the New Testament Lynn Cohick
“Saved through Childbearing” in 1 Timothy 2:15 Sandra L. Glahn

Black Voices

Black Church Studies Marshall Hatch
Church Forsaken: Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods Jonathan Brooks
Early African and Asian Christianity Vince L. Bantu
Faithful Antiracism Christina Edmondson and Chad Brennan
Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? Antipas Harris
Multiethnic Church Leadership Derwin Gray
Reading While Black Esau McCaulley
Rethinking Incarceration Dominique Gilliard
Roadmap to Reconciliation Brenda Salter McNeil
Soul Care in African American Practice Barbara L. Peacock
Uncommon Church Alvin Sanders

Latino/a Voices

Brown Church Robert Chao Romero
Integral Mission: History, Theology, and Relevance Ruth Padilla DeBorst
Ministerio con Adolescentes Adlín Cotto
Teología Sistemática I Jules Martinez
Teología Sistemática II Jules Martinez
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World Sandra Maria van Opstal

AAPI/Asian Voices

Advocating with Survivors of Sexual Violence Nikole Lim
Analog Church Jay Kim
Basic New Testament Interpretation Nijay Gupta
Beyond Colorblind: Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey Sarah Shin
Brown Church Robert Chao Romero
Church Planting for the Future Daniel Yang
Evangelism: Sharing the Big Story James Choung
Introduction to the General Epistles David A. deSilva
John Calvin: His Life and Theology Yudha Thianto
Missiology in the 21st Century Al Tizon
The Church’s Western Cultural Captivity Soong-Chan Rah
Worship and the World to Come Glenn Packiam


Ministerio con Adolescentes Adlín Cotto
Teología Sistemática I Jules Martinez
Teología Sistemática II Jules Martinez
Why Seminary Derek Cooper


Great Expectations: An Advent Series