Mosaic Church

Fully Present. Listening Deeply. More Like Jesus.


  1. Click here to SIGN UP and create your own free Seminary Now account.

  2. Contact info@wearemosaic.org for your access code. 

  3. Return here to choose which course to begin in the certificate program. Click the course photo, and start learning!
    (We recommend bookmarking this page on your browser for easy access later: seminarynow.com/pages/mosaic-church)

Contact info@seminarynow.com if you have any questions. 

Bible Track

This learning track provides a rich background in understanding scripture and its role in Christian faith. Track completion entails watching the course, completing the learning workbook, and passing a comprehension quiz.

Theology Track

This learning track provides a space to expand your theological depths. Track completion entails watching the course, completing the learning workbook, and passing a comprehension quiz.

Leadership  Development Track

This learning track is for leaders to provide an educational foundation for a lifetime of ministry. Track completion entails watching the course, completing the learning workbook, and passing a comprehension quiz.

Explore More Seminary Now Courses

Explore Seminary Now's catalog of 80+ courses from leading authors, professors, and theologians, for your own personal enrichment.